Persimmon Tree Chinese Medicine

Children’s Health

Chinese medicine is very suitable for, and helpful with children’s issues. We see your child as their own unique person, offering health solutions individually tailored to them, using safe, effective natural therapies.

We offer Shonishin, an extremely gentle and painless, non-invasive form of paediatric acupuncture, which is practiced without the use of needles. This technique is designed to calm the autonomic nervous system and is based on understanding meridian development in children. It can be used from birth through to the teenage years.

We offer treatment and support for:

  • The Digestive System: colic and reflux in babies, constipation, diarrhoea, tummy aches, fussy eaters.
  • The Immune System: Ear infections, eczema, allergies, recurrent infections, glandular fever, cough and asthma.
  • The Nervous System: Anxiety, insomnia, behavioural issues, bed wetting.
  • Pain: Teething, headaches, growing pains.
  • Hormonal System: Supporting transitions in the teenage years.

To make an appointment with Chelsea or to ask a question, please see our contact page, here.