Persimmon Tree Chinese Medicine


How can acupuncture and Chinese Medicine help infertility?
Chinese Medicine has a history, greater than 2000 years, of successfully treating gynaecological diseases including infertility. More recently clinical studies in the west are also demonstrating this success rate.
Chinese Medicine aims to restore balance in the body to overcome disease. When working with fertility patients the practitioner carefully monitors the menstrual cycle. Women often report positive changes in all aspects of the cycle including;

  • Reduced pmt
  • Less menstrual pain
  • More regular cycle length
  • Increased cervical mucus.

When treating infertility the practitioner will use some of these treatment methods;

  • Acupuncture
  • Chinese herbal medicine
  • Moxibustion
  • Diet and lifestyle advice

Did you know that each egg released at ovulation has been through a four and a half month development period within the follicle? There are many things you can do during this time to influence the development of that egg!

Patients are often asked to keep a BBT (basal body temperature chart), the practitioner will use this diagnostically and apply treatment in various stages of the cycle to ensure that conception can take place.

We commonly work over 3 months, after which time the woman has felt the improvements throughout her cycle. The cycle is a good length, the period has good flow, the signs of ovulation are positive, follicular and luteal phases are steady in the BBT. Through this treatment period the practitioner has been supporting the egg and developing follicle. Although there is no ability to influence the eggs DNA, the rest of the machinery in the egg can be supported. This is one way that Chinese medicine may be able to influence egg quality and ultimately conception rates.

Chelsea Prescott is a registered practitioner of Chinese Medicine with a special interest in working with women and fertility. If you would like to see Chelsea, please view the contact options on our contact page.