Persimmon Tree Chinese Medicine

Women’s Health

We offer support through the seasons of a woman’s life. Chinese Medicine is attuned to the transformations a women moves through, from menarche to menopause and beyond. These transitions should traditionally be smooth but so often with the pressures of modern life they aren’t.

We offer treatment and support for:

  • Menstrual Issues – Irregular periods, painful periods, heavy periods, amennorhoea, pmt, hormonal acne, endometriosis and pcos.
  • Menopausal Issues – Insomnia, hot flushes, low libido, poor concentration.

We also offer cosmetic acupuncture to rejuvenate the face. This increases muscle tone and promotes blood circulation to help eliminate fine lines, diminish larger wrinkles and rejuvenate the vitality of the face. These facial acupuncture sessions include a holistic approach, using a combination of body acupuncture and facial acupuncture. Chelsea has created her own anti-aging herbal mask which is used as part of these ant-ageing sessions.